Monday 2 February 2015

My Evaluation Plan

2 types of narrative
1.       Linear ( clear beginning and end)
2.       Non-linear (no clear beginning middle and end)
[features: altering chronology such as flashback and flash forwards]  è ( order of events)
Concurrent  narratives
(e.g. narratives & performance strand in music video)

Todorov theory
(structuralist- theorist – common structures/linear)
Equilibrium/disequilibrium è new equilibrium
5 stage: establishment    è  (problem/disruption) development è  complication è action climax è resolution
In music video I will speak about some of these stages to some extent.
Levi-Strauss – structuralist
Binary oppositions
ð  Narratives need oppositions & conflict è tension which drives narratives forward
Good v. Bad
e.g gender good and bad or tension between the genders attitudes and values
male vs female
crime vs law order
greed vs generosity

Goodwin’s theory for music video
Roland Barthes
Codes in narrative
Visual code – shot, editing effect
Sound code – effect, music
Actions codes

ð  Mix & match          ‘bricolage’ (DIY)  - Lyotard
ð  Mix time periods (older-style movies)
Genres, narrative, styles of storytelling.
e.g music video postmodern one minutes artist looking into the camera and singing then he is in a 3rd person narrative view.
è High – Shakespeare, opera, classical & popular culture – slang, music, clothing
ð  Intertextuality - specific reference made to another media product.  

e.g music video the beginning of the music video on brick wall location and then the station location where the girls are dancing.

I will link my six case studies to the six print products and I will link my afrobeat promo video case study to my final promo video.

Creative Technologies 

I will be using Slideshare, Prezi, Youtube,  Piktochart, creating a podcast, Glogster and  Weebly. 

How I will use the Technologies

I will use Slideshare for the first question because I have used Slideshare before and I am most comfortable with this in giving a detailed response for question one it will be easy to read through because of the amount of information needed for this question I like the design templates on Powerpoint, I like the idea of exporting Powerpoint powerpoint on Slide share. The only problem is that I cannot upload a youtube video or sound to slideshare. But I will be able to give screenshots of the promo video and my case study. 

I will use Piktochart and Prezi for the second question because it is highly creative, I am able to include audio, and videos to this which will be easier to analyse the effectiveness of the combination of the main products which include print products and the promo video.  It will be easy to move around the presentation and zoom in and out to each section that has a response linking to the question for example How three texts use similar themes, or similar house styles. I want to compare my case study to my final product also I want to compare professional promo video ideas to my music promo video to see how it was used and if it was effective. 

I will  create a Podcast and upload it on PodBean and Youtube video for the third question, I want to film and edit my target audience feedback youtube video and I can include what my other target audience said on text or on audio. I did not get enough audience feedback on our youtube video 'Vibe Squad Cover'  we had one comment 'YAS' this is just another way of saying YES. It is a social network slang of saying you like something or you agree with it. I will also be creating a Podcast responding to both the positive and negative feedback from my youtube video and I will suggest new ideas and changes for the future and embed it on my blog.

I will use Weebly for the fourth question because I want to create my own website with my own colour scheme, layouts and be able to drag and drop an about box, contact details and include an image. I want to embed images of my final print product on the web page and also my planning and research stage for example my story board and costume plan.  I want to also post a piktochart  to make it very creative.  I will be posting Youtube videos, Google images, Editing notes and photography equipments such as what camera my group and I used, tripod, studio lights, reflectors and how and why we used it in some parts of the production stages not others.

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